Saturday, June 29, 2013

Seasons come, seasons go. This one thing I know for sure…

I love long drives by myself. I have probably had more realizations of who God is in my little Honda civic than I’ve had at huge international conferences, youth camps and bible studies combined.

Today I was driving to a small town, about an hour and a half from my house, to pick up my little brother from football camp. As I got all settled in, my car in cruise control and Will Reagan playing softly in the background, I asked God a question. “What do you want to teach me right now?” What did God have to tell me on this little stretch of highway in the middle of nowhere?

His answer? “I want you to know, to really know, that my character doesn’t change with the seasons.”  His answer brought me into deep thought. I have believed the lie that I am in a cycle. A constant cycle of doubt that arises any time I leave a “mountain top” experience. Before I even arrived at home, I was believing a lie that I wouldn’t experience the character of God the way I had in Africa.

It really got me thinking. How do I tap into the constant character of God? How do I fight the enemy trying to pull me away from all God has from me the second I step off the plane from a mission trip?

The answer is one of the biggest revelations I’ve had in my life. Nothing. I have to do absolutely nothing. God isn’t here to change with the seasons. He isn’t here to disappoint us when the season we are in doesn’t feel like one of growth. He is here to give us a consistent well of JOY, PEACE, LOVE, GRACE, and MERCY. The great thing is, we usually need the well of who He is more so in the difficult seasons, and He promises to give us all we need and more.

On the same drive a little bit later, I was praying for a friend and God shared with me some of the most groundbreaking advice He’d ever given me.

“Don’t allow your changes in location or circumstance to convince you that there have been changes in my character.”

Just let that sink in. The easiest lie for me to believe in seasons of “dryness” and “disconnect” is that God is not as close as He once was. The truth? He’s probably even closer. Take comfort in the fact that for Him, seasons give an opportunity for him to draw close and take you under his wing. Allow him to.

P.S. Don’t let your seasons define you, let Jesus handle that  :)

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